Jim Sherman Northwest Champions - June 26th - 28th, 2015.  Teams from British Columbia, Oregon, and Washington gathered to play in the Jim Sherman Northwest Championship games. Wilson and Sons Auto posted a 4-0 record, putting them in the championship game. After losing to the Quicksilvers from Redmond, WA., Wilson and Sons won the IF game 13-6 to capture the tournament championship. By winning Rock N Reno and the Jim Sherman tournaments, Wilson and Sons received a birth in the Tournament of Champions in Tampa, FL in Feb 2016.  Team players included: Kelly Way, Curt Brown, Mike Wilson, Ric Fix, Larry Kidd, Curtis Jackson, Terry DeMoss, Randy Mansell, Dave Kerns, Tony Hartz, Marty Lytle, and Kenny Holtz.

ASA Western National Championship   CC Over won the ASA Western National Championship for 60AAA in September 2015. Back Row left to right: Greg Said, Bert Schweickart, Rick Carringer, Dennis Cash, Larry Kidd, Gilbert Gallegos, Cliff Lewis and Tom Lopez. Front Row left to right: Wayne Darling, Jim Seraduke, Gaylan Moore, Cliff Boxer, Dave Fleming, Steve Abo and Harold Kilgore. 

World Masters Championships in Las Vegas The Idaho Codgers, playing in the 65 AAA division have put there 2015 season to bed. A very successful season culminated at the World Masters Championships in Las Vegas. Out of the thirty teams that competed in their division, the Codgers finished in third place. Dispatching both the Western National Champions (Sacramento Islanders) and Eastern National Champions (Doc Marten/Ropes Course) along the way. Scott Shumway (.774) stepped up to pitch in Wayne Clark's absence and was declared the team MVP. He was joined on the All-Tournament team by Dave Henderson (.781) and Steve Rice (.806). Previous tournaments during the season were just as successful and even more so in some instances. Opening the season in the Rock-N-Reno qualifier, the Codgers placed third out of thirteen teams finishing 5-2. Top hitters for the Codgers were Randy Livingston (.813), Wayne Clark (.750) and Vic Thompson (.680). Not a bad showing for a first-of-the-year outing against teams that had already played in some tournaments. Next came Missoula and the Montana Senior Softball Games. They successfully defended their championship from the previous year by going 5-0. The leading team hitters there were Ken Rhodes (.769), Dave Henderson (.765) and Scott Shumway (.765). Following that was the Spokane Masters Classic where they swept the competition. Again finishing 5-0. Top team hitters in that tournament were Ken Rhodes (.917), Mike Ford (.846) and Dave Bixby (.769). Ken Rhodes was batting a perfect 1.000 up until his final at-bat. Next up came the Portland ASA Western Nationals where they finished in second place going 5-2. Losing to the same team on both occasions. After the tournament, Wayne Clark, Dave Henderson and Steve Rice were elected to the All-Tournament team. The top team hitters were Wayne Clark (.783), Steve Rice (.739) and Ken Rhodes (.667). In all, the 65 AAA Codgers represented Idaho well with an overall tournament record of 26-6. The 2015 Idaho Codgers consisted of Dave Bixby, Dale Brown, Wayne Clark, Russ Coota (coach), Steve Elam, Mike Ford, Randy Ford, Roy Haglund, Dave Henderson, Bob Hildeman, Larry Hoffman, Randy Livingston, Dean Merrill, Jim Pierce, George Quiggle, Ken Rhodes (player/manager), Steve Rice, Bob Sarchett, Scott Shumway, Vic Thompson and Jon Wilson. All look forward to building on that success in 2016. 

 Rock "N" reno Challenge Cup 2015 Playing in the 55 AAA division against teams from Alaska, California, Oregon, Utah, and Texas. Wilson lost the first game of the tournament and went undefeated the rest of the way. Down by 8 runs in the champion game, Wilson scored 9 unanswered runs to beat the Alaska Kings to take home the trophy. Wilson and Sons averaged 18 runs, while giving up 9 runs per game. All tournament selections were Terry DeMoss, Curtis Jackson, Randy Mansell, Kelly Way, and Mike Wilson. Other team members are Dave Brown, Wayne Darling, Bill Haas, Tony Hartz, Kenny Holtz, Larry Kidd, and Harold Kilgore.

2015 Idaho Senior games