Boise Senior Softball Association held our annual draft tournament on May 8th. Honoring the memory of players Jim Gavett, Mike Iwakiri, Pete Peterson, Scott Ridgeway, Carl Stadie, Mike Yerby and umpires Earl Silverstein and Dave Weiss lost in 2020 - 2021
Eight teams participated in the tournament. Players ages ranged from 50 to 80 years young. The teams were evenly matched and the games close. As witnessed by the 7th and 8th seeded teams making the final game.
Team Wilson/Way needed extra innings to defeat Team Freidrich for the championship. Team members are Don Antrim, Jeff Brookman, Ted Dedden, Steve Goldring, Jim Pierce, Colin Schmidt, Jeff Shafer, Roger Stowell, Steve Vaus, Kelly Way and Mike Wilson.
Boise Senior Softball Association would like to thank the following companies and individuals that contributed.
Game Time Sports, Black Bear Diner, Zeppole Baking Company, Idaho Screen Print, Simplot, JayCo Cabinets, Treasure Valley Coffee, Dream Homes of Idaho, Boise Parks and Recreation, USA umpires, Kurt Marostica, Wayne Darling, Gary Adams, Jack McGee, Kurt Palmtag, Tamara Hallan, Barb Smith, Kevin Klein, Ken Rhodes and Dave Dawson.
Thanks to all the players, coaches and BSSA board members that made the tournament a success.
Thanks to Tournament Director Gaylan Moore. This does not happen without the planning, coordination and hard work on his part. Gaylan's dedication to the success and future of Boise Senior Softball is evident. It is displayed at this tournament and throughout the year. 
Prior to the Zeppole vs Ogres 60 draft league game on April 13th. Juanita Iwakiri threw the first pitch in memory of her husband Mike Iwakiri. Zeppole team manager Charles Alpers presented Juanita with Mike's #1 Zeppole team jersey.
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